• Maria Mar

    Maria Mar

    The Dream Alchemist

    Maria Mar is a new renaissance woman who has reclaimed all her creative powers. She now helps other women do the same. Maria is an author, inspirational speaker, poet and visual artist. She coaches women in personal growth and book writing. Maria is also an internationally known shaman and spiritual teacher who has helped women in three continents. As a dance-theatre performer she was featured in PBS, Channel 13. Maria has also been featured in BronxNet television and numerous radio stations and printed media. She has published half a dozen books and is the CEO of ShamansDance Publishing and Productions. Visit Maria at her website,Catch the Dream Express!


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Living in Freedom Everyday

Dream Alchemist’s Book Review

By Maria Mar

Author: Kenneth Brown with Patrick Borders

Book: L.I.F.E: Living in Freedom Everyday! Six Principles for Successful Living

“To live in freedom, we each must have faith, vision, purpose and passion. In addition, we must take ownership of our lives and associate ourselves with people who will lift us up and not keep us down.”

Kenneth Brown


Living in Freedom Everyday

Six Principles for Successful Living

With this common-sense, down-to-earth system, Kenneth Brown delivers a book that helps you to take ownership of your life, to seek and find your own
blueprint for life. He then teaches you how to use these six simple, but profound principles to activate this blueprint in your daily life. Kenneth delivers his promise.

If you like real life success stories, common sense counsel and a good use of bible wisdom, you will love Kenneth Brown’s book, L.I.F.E: Living in Freedom Everyday! Six Principles for Successful Living.

Ken’s book endeavors to answer this question: “Why is it that so many of us are enslaved to the events of life, while others, like Tawana, are able to live in freedom?” (Tawana is a woman whom Kenneth met at a conference. Lacking both arms and hands, she is a successful woman, wife and leader and a
person living in freedom. That’s just one of the many stories with which Kenneth regales his readers.)

In his book, Kenneth proceeds to answer this question with real life stories, acute observations and bible quotes.

Here are some of my favorite L.I.F.E’s
bites of wisdom:

  • Life, as it turns out, is an inside job. Joy is an inside job.

  • With vision ~spiritual vision that is~ we can see the invisible and do the impossible.

  • Passion manifests itself in boundless enthusiasm.

  • Ownership is about doing all you can, with all you have, from the place you are.

  • When we own up to our lives, we don’t indulge in blaming others. We assume 100 percent responsibility for our thoughts and actions.

  • We become the people we hang with.

  • Faith is the currency of God’s kingdom.

Kenneth has a way of telling biblical stories in a light that
illuminates how intrinsically human they were and how they still apply to our everyday life and human conflicts.

Even though I am not Christian, I enjoyed his bible stories. He retells them to shed light in our own doubts, fears and struggles. As he does this, God’s ancient words come back to life and become once again relevant.

An example of this is his retelling of the story of Moses and his twelve leaders. God had parted the sea and provided them with food during the long journey from Egypt, Kenneth reminds us. Yet upon seeing the fortified cities and the political strength of Canaan, the leaders lost faith. Ken says, “Instead of entering the land of promise, they desired to return to the land of slavery. They desired to return to their comfort zone.” That immediately hits home!

As a master storyteller does, Kenneth weaves case studies and biblical stories to show us how we give away our power to negative expectations, fear, hunger for acceptance, habits and other inner enemies that destroy us and our purpose. He then presents simple shifts of perception, again backed up by stories and real life scenarios that help us release see our circumstances anew.

“We must choose between fear and
faith, because one of those will control our thoughts. Our thoughts control our words. Our words control our actions. Our actions control our character, and our character controls our destiny.”

Kenneth Brown
Living in Freedom Everyday

Six Principles for Successful Living

In speaking about the influence of associations and emotionally toxic environments, Kenneth says: “When people don’t remove themselves from hopeless environments, they lose the energy to play the game of life.”

Kenneth has the ability to see great lessons in daily situations, like when he took his son to a Michigan game and saw how “the spirits of more than 100,000 screaming fans” rose and fell depending on the efforts of the players on the field.” He then sees this as a metaphor for how many people live. “In life everyday, just like in that game, people attach themselves to
the dreams of others. They do it in their careers and in their families. Instead of seeking the peace and joy of living a life of freedom, they pursue happiness through other people.”

If you want to feed your faith so that you can climb mountains and reach your dreams, I highly recommend that you devour this book!


Dream Alchemist’s Book Review

4 stars. Excellent read. Excellent transformation tool.

This is a great
New Year’s gift

to nurture yourself or your beloved’s dreams
and resolutions If you place your order today, January 26, you receive an amazing collection of Bonus gifts that Kenneth and his team have put together.

(I’ve contributed a bonus there,
folks!)  For purchasing just one copy of L.I.F.E NOW, all
of these gifts are yours free.


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Maria Mar
The Dream Alchemist

Maria Mar is an author, speaker and ceremonialist poet. She is also a spiritual teacher and an internationally known shaman who inspires women to manifest the life of their dreams. She offers books, digital products and coaching, art that heals and transforms as well as performances, speaking engagements and other live and online events to help you become the protagonist of your life and the creator of your destiny. Find out more at Catch the Dream Express.

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How to remember dreams

I received a recent question about remembering dreams. Here is a quick primer for your Dreamtime.

1. Intent.Establish a clear intent before going to sleep. If you want answers, healing or a particular experience or guidance, communicate this clearly with your Spiritual Guides.

2. Circle of Light. As the above statement suggests, you need to get acquainted with your Circle of Light. This energy body may include any of the following: Protectors or Guardian Angels, Angels, Spiritual Guides and Teachers, your Ancestors, Power Animals and other spiritual entities that are like your Spirit Family. They speak in dreams. They can even help you effect significant transformation during dreams. How about beginning your dream quest by establishing your intent to get to know these entities?

3. Practical tools. To help on the practical side, have a large glass of water by the bed. Drink plenty before going to bed. This will wake you up to go to the bathroom. When you come back to bed, drink some more water. That will help you move from Dreamtime into Beta state, back and forth. This helps you catch the dream before it goes.

4. Catching the thread. When you wake up, stay silent and still in bed. Keep your eyes closed. Don’t go into your mind to think about what you have to do. In this empty mind, you will get some images, sensations or “threads” of your last dream. Breathe deeply and slowly and follow that thread with undivided attention, until you can reconstruct the dream.

5. Dream Journal. Keep a dream journal. Write your dreams. When you re-read these dreams, you will get great insight into your subconscious. You will get to know the many dimensions of your True Self.

I hope this helps.

Light and love,

Maria Mar

The Dream Alchemist

Resources: for help with your dreams, you may want to visit a specialist on dreams. While I work with dreams, I am more focused on dreaming your life, in wakeful dreaming. But one of our recommended Dream Team experts, Diane Brandon, works with dreams. Here is her website:



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Maria Mar is an author, speaker and ceremonialist poet. She is also a spiritual teacher and an internationally known shaman who inspires women to manifest the life of their dreams. Find out more at Catch the Dream Express.

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Bless Away your Holiday Stress

Bless Away the Holiday Stress

By Maria Mar (c)2009

The tree is up. The lights are on. The music plays. The Holidays are here, full of bright colors, smiles and good spirits. So why do you feel so blah? You go along and do the deeds, but your heart is not in it.

Or perhaps you are feeling quiet the opposite, like a renegade train running so fast that it is missing the Holiday station! Could it be that you are speeding past the Holiday Spirit? Read on and find out what may be causing your Holiday Stress and how to bless it away.

There are four main sources of Holiday Blues or Stress:

Broken Heart, Broken Back, Broken Bag or Broken compass. Let’s take a quick look at each:

Broken Heart

You have experienced an emotional loss. You got divorced or you are remembering a loved one that died recently or during the Christmas season. Basically, you are grieving.

Broken Back

You are the victim of too many pressures, exhaustion or emotional stress. You are rushing around so much that you can’t catch your breath long enough to smell the scent of the Holidays.

Broken Bag

You are jobless, suffered financial cuts or in some other way are experiencing a financial crisis that makes it hard or impossible to shop, give, entertain or celebrate the Holidays as you’ve done

Broken Compass

Something is askew. You can’t find your joy. You feel depleted, empty. You know you should be happy, but you can’t celebrate. You feel that you have lost your Personal Compass. If any of this is true for you or for someone dear to you, then there is one powerful way in which you can release the burden that is keeping you from celebrating the Holidays. This path is not easy, but it is powerful enough to
turn drab blue into bright red and bring the Holidays alive again. It is the path of Self-love.

Self-love is many things to many people, it is different in each situation, and it can be a tall order to tackle. But here we are going to focus on four simple self-love approaches, one for each of the problems above. Each approach has one thing in common: a blessing.

Choose the option you need:

The Wounded Sacred Heart

The sacred medicine of the grieving heart is called the Sacred Wounded Heart. This is often represented by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Wounded Healer or the Broken Heart of the Spiritual Warrior. The spiritual principle in your broken heart reminds you that new birth pushes through old obstacles, like a green shoot breaking ground. The act that allows this transformation to take place is to feel your pain from a place of courageous surrendering.

Here’s how to do this.

  1. Embrace your grief during a clearly delimited time
    each day.
    Observe when the sadness most often overcomes you and give yourself permission to cry at that time.

  2. Cry or lament fully and completely, surrendering
    to your pain.
    Do not hold back. Wale or howl if you need to.

  3. Give yourself ample time, an hour perhaps.
    More if you need it. It will eventually decrease and you can adjust the time for your needs.

  4. When the time for crying is over each day, shift
    to your Spiritual Warrior.
    Take a hold of your faith. Seating in the consciousness of your immortality, release the belief that you have lost this person.

  5. Then recite this blessing below. (You may write it down and place it on a prominent place.)

  6. Live up to this blessing for the rest of the day until the next time to grieve.

  7. Do not push yourself to be happy in the way we usually define it. Rather, live from the love emanating from your soul, love for yourself and all of creation.

  8. Create an altar or corner where you can each day
    honor the departed
    in whatever ways feel appropriate. Recognize that s/he also has an immortal soul and is still present in your life, but without the flesh dress, as a being of pure light.


“I bless my Broken Heart, and open my being to the Sacred Tree of Love and Wisdom growing in this wound. Now I water it with these tears. But each day I also shine on it the sun of my gratitude, love and hope. I allow the Sacred Tree of Love and Wisdom growing within me to emerge from this wound, transforming my life. I seat on the Throne of my Immortal Soul, that suffers no loss, for it is one with everything.”

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Warrior Mother Tree, art by Maria Mar(c)2009. Click to buy the ScreenArt Saver.
The Dance of Stillness

The reason we push ourselves to do so many things, the reason why our to-do list seems to grow and we never feel we are doing enough, is because we confuse our doing with our being. If we are not still
long enough; if we are not quiet long enough to connect to our soul and our
Core Self; then we begin to live as human doings, instead of human beings.

The Medicine for this is the Dance of Stillness. There is a place within you in which you can inhabit the stillness between each movement, the silence between each sound. This place is called The Dance of Stillness.

This dance begins in what I call Sky Mind. You get there by releasing your logical, small, Ego Mind. This is the mind that holds the to-do list and identifies with what you do.

The Dance of Stillness is a way of living that requires years of discipline. But you can start right now and feel the benefits immediately. You will have to re-adjust yourself during the day, as
you forget. But each time you go back to the Dance of Stillness, you
are training your mind to be Sky Mind and yourself to live from that
peaceful place.

Here is a quick start-up that involves five daily actions:

  1. Begin each day with 5 minutes of deep breathing
    and stilling the mind. Concentrate on the inhalation traveling to your belly and then the rest of your body and in the exhalation being as slow as possible.

  2. Make a commitment to shorten your activity list by
    , and to do things in order of priority and ease of flow. Every
    time you finish doing one thing, bless yourself and all people
    involved, receive its goodness in your heart and then release
    any further worry, thought or time investment on this item.

  3. Go straight to the source of love. If you have
    a physical or emotional “broken back” –meaning that you are sick, depressed, injured, physically challenged or overwhelmed, release the to-do list completely. Meditate on how you can flow your love easily, effortlessly, and to whom you want to direct it, and then focus on that, disregarding the cosmetic details that we so often confuse with love.

  4. Take a nap after lunch or when you get home.
    Take a 15 minute nap in the middle of the day. Lay down. You don’t have to fall asleep. Simply close your eyes, let go of worry and breathe deeply, surrendering your burden, your stress and even the task of keeping your body upright to Earth Mother.

  5. Every night, release the obsession with controlling everything, and hand it over to God. Ask Divine Will to carry your burden for you. Say this blessing:


“I bless my Broken Back, and allow my body and my
soul to heal naturally and quickly while I release my illusions of control. I shed the cosmetic details that my Ego Mind confuses with love. I go directly to the source of love, showering myself in Divine Love. I spread my love easily and effortlessly, as the Sky spreads its light. I bless myself and all my loved ones in the light of love.

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The Alchemist Touch

Enjoy a storytelling blog post to shift prosperity perception.
This recession is to our national being as a crisis is to our personal being.
A crisis is that moment when a door that had been hidden, its iron hinges rusting, its paint blending with the frame, until we
saw no door, only a wall –suddenly opens.

That creaking, trembling door opening looks like the wall is crumbling down or there’s an earthquake. But it’s really a new path
opening to us.

The earth-shaking change may seem to be an external circumstance that is happening TO you, something life is doing to you, without your consent. But it is something that happens deeply and firstly in your psyche.

When the hinges begin to move against the rust and the door pulls back from the frame, it is hurts. This recession may have left you penniless, jobless or in a very tight –even scary– financial situation.

The question is not “how much I can afford to spend?”

The question is “What are the values that de-rust the hinges of this door and where does it lead?”

As long as you keep trying to spend as you’ve done before or as you think you have to, you will feel deprived and disempowered. You will see the crisis as a thief, not a door. You are placing your attention on the lack. You are insisting on keeping things as they were.

But crisis is a demand and a bridge to change. The Universe is not asking you to change. It is demanding you to. If you trust that the Universe is your ally, that it is your Cosmic Self, then this demand is a bridge to a new, better life.

What to do? Become an Alchemist. Use this alchemical formula.

  1. Release this stress by recognizing the gold in
    this leaden situation.
    What seems like a financial crisis may be a golden opportunity to reclaim the true spirit of Christmas. Make this holiday a time of adventure, deep love and genuine giving, re-focusing from the material to the emotional and spiritual.

  2. Search for ways to return Christmas values into
    your life
    , instead of focusing on spending.

  3. Find out more about volunteering to help others in
    Volunteering for Christmas. (This link goes to my Holiday
    2009 Newsletter edition, where I offer links to resources.)

  4. Give Experiential Gifts. This practice allows
    you to give of yourself with little or no spending while creating
    unforgettable moments with your loved ones. Read about
    Experiential Gifts.

  5. Recite the Alchemical Blessing below every morning
    and evening
    for the duration of the Holidays, and

  6. Have a blast of a Holiday!


“I bless my Broken Bag, and track down the hole
that has bled my life force, love and values and that has manifested in this lack. I allow my Soul to lead me back to the source of love and abundance. I allow my Higher Self to guide me to the changes necessary to expand my consciousness and enter the new reality. I
unhinge the locked, rusty door of my old limits and walk into a better life. Though I do not see the silver lining yet, I am grateful and joyful for this golden opportunity.”

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Holy Days Retreat

Awaken the Rose audio and self-love meditation returns you to center and awakens the flow of your love. Click here to read more.
If the Holiday Spirit eludes you, no matter how hard you try, then your Soul is crying for time out.

There are essential things in your life that you need to recalibrate and you can not pretend. Christmas is not a time for
pretending happiness, but for experiencing genuine joy.

Joy is often bubbly, exciting and expansive. But sometimes joy is not about merrymaking, but about entering deep silence and listening to your soul. This insight, or inward looking, can unlock the dam that is stifling your emotions. This, in turn, restores your Personal Compass. As your soul feels listened and loved, and can once again guide you towards your True Infinite Self and your life’s purpose, it
returns to genuine joy, one that is not dependent on festivities and
external trimmings.

You need a Holy Days Retreat. Here’s what to do:

  1. Find or prepare a peaceful, quiet, uninterrupted
    place for your Holy Days Retreat
    . It can be a place in nature, a
    spiritual institution or a room in your own home. You can even open a tent in a corner of the house and ask everyone not to interrupt you while you are there.

  2. Prepare yourself to enter this retreat for a
    specific time.
    If you can, make it at least three days. If you can’t, then assign a specific number of hours each day to that retreat. You can do a sleep-in retreat in your tent. Call upon your Native American Spiritual Guides to teach you how to use this tent as a Ceremonial Tepee.

  3. Choose carefully a few basic Holiday activities
    and release the others. This is not Christmas or New Year as usual. This is a life-changing transition. Acknowledge this and give yourself permission to experience it. Receive the gift that this Holy Days are bringing and trust that it will expand your consciousness and enrich your life.

  4. Create a ceremony or Inward Journey to hear and
    follow your Personal Compass.
    For an excellent guide, see the
    Roadmap Home: Your GPS to Inner Peace.
    (When you click on this link you will go to the Resource section in my Holiday 2009 Newsletter.)

  5. Recite the Holy Day Compass Blessing below every morning and night during the Holidays.


“I bless my Broken Compass, and I still my mind
and body in order to listen to my Soul’s soft voice and wise guidance. I let go of control, rush and busyness. I return to the state of Grace and Receptivity that brings the voice of my Soul to the foreground of my consciousness. I welcome the guidance of my Circle of Light and my Higher Self and receive the blessings of this special Holy Days, bringing me back home to my True Self.”

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Maria Mar is an author, speaker and ceremonialist poet. She is also a spiritual teacher and an internationally known shaman who inspires women to manifest the life of their dreams. Find out more at Catch
the Dream Express.
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The fuel for holiday celebrations is self-love

Dear beautiful sisters and handsome brothers, here’s a thought and some tools to enrich your Holidays. Love, Maria Mar

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and send a gift of self-love to a friend.

Your experience of the beauty and perfection of this moment is colored by your capacity to feel full, deep, unconditional love for yourself. Without this self-love, you will judge yourself based on what you have or have achieved or on your expectations. To live fully and celebrate fully, love yourself fully.

Maria Mar

The Dream Alchemist

Awaken your Self-love!

During the end of the year it is natural to review what we have achieved or to take a look at how we did in the past months.

Now more than ever it is essential that during this time you flood yourself in self-love.

I have created the Awaken the Rose Self-love Collection to help you and your loved ones do just that.

There are three other Self-love Collections for you in our Holiday Gifts of Self-love sales.

  • Close 2009 and open 2010 in a state
    of self-love.
  • Enjoy an instant change of mood that ignites your Holiday Spirit.
  • Grow YOUR self-love! When you buy a Gift Certificate, you get your gift FREE!
  • Stick to your budget. Gifts from $5 to $40.
  • Save money. No shipping & handling. No transportation. No delivery fee. No wrapping paper.
  • Save time. No stressful lines. No crowded shopping. Immediate download.
  • Go Green! Save TREES!

Enjoy stress-free shopping. Go now to Holiday Gifts of Self-love!

Wishing you a joyful Holiday,

Maria Mar

The Dream Alchemist

P.S. 1.

This is the first in a Holiday Gifts of Self-love Series of inspirational tips and featured products to enrich your Holiday experience.

Holiday Gifts of Self-love

Publishing and Productions, Inc.


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Maria Mar is an author, speaker and ceremonialist poet. She is also a spiritual teacher and an internationally known shaman who inspires women to manifest the life of their dreams. Find out more at Catch the Dream Express.


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A GPS to Inner Peace

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Your BodySoul is the compass that keeps you in the right direction to fulfill your purpose in life. When you awake to that place in your physical existence where you can hear the song of your Soul, you will see the bright North Star that guided the Magi, and it will guide you too.

Maria Mar

The Dream Alchemist

Inspirational Book Excerpt

“Though we may journey through the shadow of death or climb majestic mountains, we are never orphaned as long as we remain connected to the  Guiding Power of Spirit (GPS). That connection endows us with wonderful gifts –to delight in the senses, to experience emotions and feel joy, to exercise our free will, to love and be loved, to express ourselves, to see our true potential and to satisfy our dreams. We are never alone but rather interconnected with others in the Oneness of Being.

I offer myself as a guide to your self-discovery and invite you as the
hero/heroine of your unfolding story to step through a threshold and embrace the quest for your True Self. My heartfelt wish is that you open your mind and heart, connect with your GPS, and return Home to inner peace.”

Leonard Szymczak

The Roadmap Home:

Your GPS to Inner Peace

Book Review:

The Roadmap Home: Your GPS to Inner Peace


Leonard Szymczak

Our life has become very stressful. I’ve made it my mission
to release as much stress as possible and to share ways of doing it with
you. This book is one way.

Take a look at some of the ways in which people constantly
lose perspective, forget what really matters in life and miss their
spiritual direction. Which of these detours have you suffered this year?

  • A job that runs against our life purpose or values.

  • Hectic day after hectic day with no time for reflection, fun
    or spirit.

  • Alienation from our body that disconnects us from our
    personal truth.

  • Falling asleep in the social scripts and others’ expectations
    of us until we lose track of who we are and what makes us happy.

  • Habits of relationship that erode love, passion and magic.

  • Hiding away in our Comfort Zone.

Leonard offers himself as a guide and gives us an infallible
GPS to find our way back any time. And you know what? I’ll take him on his offer!

You know that I walk my talk. I teach what I know –not
intellectually, but experientially. Leonard’s been there. He has been
trapped in the dark night of the soul, in that despair brought about by the Orphanhood of the Soul, by an impoverished childhood and a sense of isolation. His wisdom and the tools he offers tell me without a shadow of a doubt that he found his way back home. He is therefore authorized to guide you and others who are seeking their path.

If you are looking for a book to read during the holidays, you found it. I am having a peaceful, rich and healing inner journey each time I pick up Leonard’s book to read a chapter. It’s a delight after a hectic day. Leonard has a talent for making the most complex process crystal
clear and simple. He has a way of using simple words packed with insights that stir your course powerfully and quickly. Here’s but a few:

  • The mind is a collection of interacting thoughts that create

  • Crisis generates heat for transformation. Our Inner GPS
    employs a principle of thermodynamics~ Internal conflict creates dynamic heat. The energy cracks the window of an unconscious mind.

  • Money often symbolizes energy.

  • “How do you distinguish the voice of ego from the voice of
    Spirit?” Ego operates from scarcity and speaks out of fear. Its messages are frantic, desperate, critical, controlling, seductive and manipulative. In contrast, the Guiding Power of Spirit beckons us with love and encouragement. It constantly and calmly conveys messages with an accepting, supportive and loving voice.

At the end of each chapter, Leonard addresses both, your right and left brain. He offers lists and maps for that logical part of your mind, but also a guided visualization for your creative mind.

Make this your holiday reading!

Read more and purchase the book now at:


Dream Alchemist Book Rating:

***** 5 stars= Excellent read, excellent
transformational tool, excellent spiritual journey.

This is the perfect gift for the holidays.

If you place your order on December 9 (TODAY!) you will
receive an amazing collection of Bonus Holiday Gifts that Leonard and his team have put together. Get Leonard’s interactive teleseminar plus videos, e-books, audios and courses by other authors and experts to enhance your life and spread the holiday spirit. (I’ve contributed a bonus there, folks!)  For purchasing just one copy of The Roadmap Home, all of these gifts are yours free.

Read more:


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Maria Mar(c)

You can use this quote in ezines, web pages and other online media as long as you include my name and copyright mark and the paragraph below, with functional link:

Maria Mar is the Dream Alchemist, an inspirational speaker, ceremonialist poet, coach, author and spiritual teacher who helps women create the life of their dreams. Visit her at: Catch the Dream Express!

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Inspirational Quotes- The Root of All Healing

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You body is YOU. It is not something that you manipulate with diets or take to a “mechanic” –in this case a doctor– to get fixed. Your body is the physical expression of your consciousness. This simple truth is the foundation for self-healing. Healing is a dialogue with and a journey in your body that can lead to deep self-knowledge and miraculous transformation.

Maria Mar

The Dream Alchemist

Inspirational Book Excerpt

“The human being’s ability to heal is extraordinary. The power of love and
intention a person can generate for healing is remarkable. Using the power
of your mind and heart is in complete alignment with the law of nature.
Bodies regenerate themselves naturally. Sometimes we need to help our bodies
remember how to do that healthily and if we choose to do this consciously,
we embark on a healing journey.

I have discovered that when I invite healing in absolute clarity and love,
my cells respond to their master –me. In that moment I am giving voice to
the will of the Divine as it flows through me, and I have witnessed others
discover this source of the Divine with themselves. The healing journey
gives us the opportunity to discover this essence in profound and mysterious ways, with each experience being as unique as the individual who embarks on the journey. Exactly how you or I believe or experience the Divine is not important. However, in order to heal at your core it is important to know there is a power, energy, or source flowing through all of life including you, and you have the ability to access that source whenever you wish. You may give this source whatever name speaks to your soul. I call it the Divine.”*

Misa Hopkins

The Root of all Healing

7 Steps to Healing Anything


*Excerpted with permission from the author.


The Root of all Healing

7 Steps to Healing Anything

Misa is an old friend, a non-denominational reverend and a wounded healer who, in courageously journeying through her disease, has
discovered the root of the healing process. Misa has healed herself numerous times and has helped heal many others. Here’s just a sample:

  • Cuts typically requiring stitches completely gone in less than 24 hours
  • Stopped the onset of symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis within 6 months
  • Healed a collapsed ovary and fallopian tube within 4 weeks
  • Regularly eliminate colds and flu the moment symptoms start to show up.
  • Regenerate body parts, including a new heart valve!

Misa Hopkin

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Here’s another reason to get this book

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Maria Mar

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Express your Gratitude- Thanksgiving Gifts and Board

Happy Thanksgiving!

Express your Gratitude

Click to see egreeting and enjoy the audio meditation and the gifts.

We are grateful for your presence in our lives.

To express our gratitude, today we offer you

a space in which to express your gratitude

to those people you love.

Name them in the comment area

and then send a link

so that they can see what you said.


Express your Gratitude

Leave a testimony of

the things,

the people and

the life blessings

for which you are grateful.

Then invite your loved ones

to witness your gratitude.

(Leave your comment below.)

Also, please receive this beautiful art that

Maria Mar has created to celebrate you.


When you click the graphic,

you will enjoy this art in a large dimension.

Download it as a digital poster or screensaver.


The large Egreeting in our web page includes a

6-minutes self-love audio meditation

that will flood you with the light of love.

But that’s not all.

We are so grateful for your presence

that we wanted to send you a BIG Thanksgiving gift.

So you can download the Awakening the Rose ebook that includes the script for the self-love meditation and journey AND also includes the full, 15-minute audio!!

Hear it in your Ipod and

experience it at your leisure.

Send the Web Egreeting to your friends

as a Thanksgiving gift.

They’ll have access to the gifts, but only during this week.

Pass the love around!

We hope that this conveys our deep and joyful gratitude for your being in the world!

You are a gift to the world!

Maria Mar and Corazon Tierra

ShamansDance Publishing & Production

Click here

to see the large Egreeting,
enjoy the meditation and pick up your gifts.

Publishing and Productions, Inc.


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Maria Mar(c)

You can use this quote in ezines, web pages and other online media as long as you include my name and copyright mark and the paragraph below, with functional link:

Maria Mar is the Dream Alchemist, an inspirational speaker, ceremonialist poet, coach, author and spiritual teacher who helps women create the life of their dreams. Visit her at: Catch the Dream Express!


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Soul means deep, slow and close to the heart

Soul means deep, slow and close to the heart

Part of the Series Dance with the Music of Life

By Maria Mar©2009


This is Part 1 of the Series Dance with the Music of Life. Click here or at the end to see the other parts.


Listen to The Blues. Sing with a cantaor in a Cante Jondo. Grab your partner and groove to a Bolero.

The rhythm is slow. The words come from the depth of the artist’s soul, resonating with yours. The meaning is not in your head. It’s in your heart.

That’s the first and most basic rhythm of life.

You can’t rush through life, just as you can’t rush through The Blues. What’s the rush about, anyway? Are you here to live or to speed through time?

Time is not an expressway where the vehicle of your ego rushes in its way to some known goal. Time is a river. Enter it gently, least you scare the rich ecosystem harbored in its every fluid fold.

Why do you fall for mirages and lies, like believing that you know what’s going to happen, or taking life for granted?

The River of Time is always moving, flowing, changing. It has direction. It flows towards a purpose. The waters are currents that constantly dance. Vibrations constantly moving towards and away. Yet the river has a bed. This solid bed cradles its infinite flow, holding it still, giving it form. The River of Time dances in stillness.

When you learn to navigate this sacred river, life flows gracefully. Time unfolds in miraculous currents of opportunity that take you effortlessly to your destiny. When you cross this sacred river without knowing its laws, you paddle against the current, drain your energy while staying in place, tip the canoe and perish in the mysterious undertow.

Here’s a primer to help you navigate the River of Time.

The River of Time

Flow as if you were singing The Blues.

Do NOT race against the current. Why are you making time your enemy? When you count each minute, you discount the hours and days giving to you to live. Rush devours the notes and kill the song. Each note takes its time. Each silence is part of the composition. Time is like The Blues. Savor each note.

The only way to navigate this sacred river is to flow in it. To flow with it. Don’t fall for the deception that you are in control. You control nothing. Not even yourself. Flow with the current.

Why do you believe that the River of Time, the River of Life is taking you in the wrong direction? The only reason for this belief is that you feel alone. You believe that you are NOT part of the River of Life, that you stand separate and opposite to the Universe. You alone know your purpose. You alone can make it happen. What a heavy weight to carry in your Psychic Shoulders. No wonder your song cannot take flight!

You are part of The River, like the fish. The River knows where you are going. The River knows your Soul. The River takes the fish there. The River takes the Soul there, too.

Okey, so you are not like a fish. Your Soul is not as free as the branch that floats in the currents. You have built a canoe of plans, goals and designs. That’s fine by The River. As long as your canoe floats, The River will take your Soul’s Canoe to its destiny. Why? Because your Soul’s purpose is part of The River’s purpose. It’s part of the Universal purpose. You are a note in the song of The River and The River hears your harmony.

Flowing in The River is trusting the Universe to be your ally. Is feeling your participation and harmony with the world, so that you can receive the push and pull of the currents as help, guidance and support, without struggling.

Surrender to the waters. Give up resistance, control and defensiveness and allow change to take place. Allow the current to move you. Learn to shapeshift. If you are afraid of the unknown, you hold on to the illusion of control as a security blanket. But when you do that you become “too solid.” For a shaman, this means that you hae become so attached to your plans, your ego identity or your expectations or lifescript, that you cannot be fluid. When you approach life fluidly, playfully, you become a master shapeshifter. This allows you to flow artfully and meet anything that flows towards you. This is the true artistry of Soul. It is freedom.

But in order to enjoy the moment, you must stop time. If you are moving all the time, you go out of control and develop obsessions that confuse your path. You stop time by connecting to the bed that cradles the river. By touching bottom.

The River Bed

Remember that the dance starts in stillness. Allow the river bed to cradle your journey.

When there is no stillness, the river becomes wild, treacherous and overflows the bed, flooding the terrain. When there is no body, the river loses sight of its source. Forgetting where it comes from, it does not know where it’s going. The currents attack each other. There is chaos.

The bed of your time in life is timelessness. Empty mind. Stillness. Silence. Stop time and become the bed of the river. Feel the current moving while you stand still. Become quiet and unmovable, like the Earth. WITH the Earth. This grounds you in the source of your being, in the Universal Source. When you are in touch with the source, you know your destiny with clarity. You do not get lost.

Soul touches bottom. It dives into the feelings and longings in your Soul and shakes them loose, bringing them into your consciousness, into your body and mind. To perform this alchemy, you must slow down. You must be present now. Here.

Touch the bottom of the River of Time. Fell the polished stones that shine at the bottom of your Soul. Feel your body. It’s intuitive wisdom connects you to the source. Understand it’s thoughtless reality. Resonate with the vibration of your cells. Listen to that song. Anchor yourself in the truth of your BodySoul. Listen to your bones. Be present in your physical existence.

Don’t try to command and control the River of Time. it has no master. To harvest the waters, connect to the “Orillas” ―to both banks.

In your connection to the banks, you can find any station you want to tune into. You can magnetize any universe or orbit you desire. You can find every conceivable opportunity. The Orillas allow you to give and receive simultaneously, in an instant exchange. The River flows into the land, nurturing its creatures. The land and its creatures flow into The River, nurting its inhabitants.

This is the secret of Soul, the basis of life. This is the art of navigating The River of Time.

  1. Enter the River of Time slowly, in harmony with all the life around you.
  2. Flow with the currents, allowing your personal purpose to be directed by life’s purpose. Allow time to move you in the direction of your dream.
  3. Allow yourself to shapeshift to inhabit the moment. Be fluid.
  4. Touch bottom. Still yourself in the unmovable river bed, anchor yourself in your Soul and be present to your physical existence.
  5. Harvest the waters of the River of Time by connecting with the Orillas, with both banks, in the simultaneous acts of giving and receiving.

Slow down right now. Take a deep, slow inhalation and then let it come up from the bottom, slowly, in velvety depth: your song, your pain, your truth, your longing, your feeling, your movement, your grace, your unique touch. Caress this instant lovingly and let it touch you all the way down to the bones.

That’s living with Soul. That’s the art of navigating the River of Time.

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Maria Mar(c)

You can use this quote in ezines, web pages and other online media as long as you include my name and copyright mark and the paragraph below, with functional link:

Maria Mar is the Dream Alchemist, an inspirational speaker, ceremonialist poet, coach, author and spiritual teacher who helps women create the life of their dreams. Visit her at: Catch the Dream Express!


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This is Part 1 of the Series Dance with the Music of Life. Click here to see the other parts as they are added.

The key to get what you want

The Key to get what you Want

By Maria Mar(c)2009

The Dream Alchemist

  • So you want a new job.
  • You long to live from what you love to do.
  • You want to be invited to a more visible, respected or rewarded professional circle.
  • You want more media attention.
  • You want more money or recognition.
  • You want love.
  • You want health.

Good! It’s great to know what you want.

It’s even better to do something about it. So if you are working hard to make this happen, you should be doubly congratulated. Right?

Not so fast.

I don’t care if you are moving the Appalachian Mountains in order to get what you want. External actions alone will NOT make it happen.

But you may know this already. You’ve worked 12 hour days for months, maybe years, and it does not get any closer. What is missing?

What is missing is internal action.

More specifically, an apparently simple, but essential internal action that most of us ignore, but that is keyl in the alchemy of living well and manifesting our dreams. Few people are aware of it or speak about it.

What is this mysterious internal alchemy that is missing in your tireless efforts?

The internal action of RECEIVING.

As a shaman, author and life coach, I inspire and guide women to create the life of their dreams. In my more than 20 years of working with women and families, I have observed this law:

Look at what you do not have
and you will find what you are not willing to receive.

”Give me a break!” you say. “I’d do anything to get this opportunity. I’ve knocked on so many doors! I’ve sent my resume. I’ve called. It’s just not happening. How can you tell me that I am not receiving it? I am practically begging for it!”

You can work for it. You can request it. You can pray for it. You can network and even hustle for it. But if you are not able and willing to do the internal action of receiving that for which you are praying, it will not happen.

We often mistake our longing and desire, our struggling and efforts with the elements of the Law of Attraction. We believe that by talking about it, working for it and preparing for it we are magnetizing it.

What we do when we neglect this internal action is tantamount to a hostess that invites a guest to her house. For weeks she cleans and decorates the house, shops for food and tells everyone that the guest is coming. But she does not create a space for the guest to stay, and when the guest arrives, she is busy fixing the backyard fence and does not hear the door.

The act of RECEIVING is a six-part internal action.

  1. It is the internal action of making space for what you desire inside you.
  2. It is the receptive act of allowing it to happen.
  3. It is the emotional act of giving yourself permission to have it.
  4. It is the subtle, yet powerful internal act of loving yourself enough to know you deserve it and to enjoy it.
  5. It is also the alchemical act of opening your heart to the world as an ally, recognizing and accepting the allies and opportunities that show up.
  6. Finally, it entails the internal acts of humility and detachment that allow you to hear the Universe’s instructions about the changes you need to undergo in order to be ready for your dream.

All of these actions seem “abstract” only because our society has devalued the Sacred Feminine, the aspect within you that generates internal actions and yields your Receptive Power.

These actions seem unimportant because you believe that you are alone in the world, and that in order for you to have something, you need to manifest it with hard work and lots of effort, AGAINST the current of the universe.

You don’t SEE how the world is already bringing you what you want. You don’t SEE how you are repelling it because you believe that it must be harder or because you don’t trust the way it shows up.

You do not understand the importance of receiving because you are caught up in an illusion of CONTROL. You believe that you are in control of anything that is manifested in your life. You control it by working hard to make it happen. If you are not in control, if it simply shows up easily, gracefully, effortlessly, you do not trust it. You will probably let it go by.

This is a great mistake. It is ignoring the nature of the Universe and the rhythm of the flow of the Law of Attraction. Once you are clear about what you want and begin to take action to manifest it, the Universe immediately begins to work with you. But the Universe, whose consciousness is far vaster than you, feels your areas of resistance, fear and doubt. To address these areas, the Universe may send allies, events or opportunities that are like a laboratory. They may not be exactly what you wanted, but they are a stepping stone for it.

What happens if you are afraid of rejection? What happens if you are defending yourself against what you perceive as criticism? What happens if you secretly feel like the Ugly Duckling and are afraid of flying among the Majestic Swans? What happens if, because of all these issues, you close off to these allies and opportunities, interpreting them as a threat?

You miss the boat. Not because you did not work enough. Not because it didn’t show up on the shores of your desire. But because you REPELLED it.

Here’s a real life story to help you track down how this may be happening in your life.


The Absent Expert
For years, I heard a woman speaker in my network complaining that she was not invited to speak at certain type of events. She was a friend of a friend, and a very good expert. She seemed extremely competent and professional, though a bit attached to her habit of complaining. I liked what she had to say about the topic and she was indeed better prepared than others who routinely talked on the topic. I wondered why she was not invited to so many events. I observed that she only presented at solo events that she herself organized. She also complained about the hard labor that went into organizing those events.

I had heard her complains for a couple of years, when I was asked to organize one such event for an institution. The topic in which this peer was very competent was key in the event and I felt happy that I finally had the opportunity to invite her. She accepted. Three days before the event, when the publicity had already been sent and the program printed, she called to say that she could not go. On the phone, she gave a flimsy excuse that no one believed. During the conversation, however, she hinted at this and that element of the organization as not to her liking.

This woman had worked hard to become an expert. She had been asking for and complaining about not being invited to such events. But when the opportunity came, her need to control took over and she REPELLED it.

She could only participate in the events she controlled. That is why she was not participating in any other. She could not let go of the mental formula in her head about how her dream should look like enough to receive the actual shape it came in.

By standing us up, she closed the door with me and the other event organizers. She closed the door with the presenting institution, whose members were appalled at her unprofessional behavior. The event was so great that the institution considered doing it annually and the possibility branched out of doing it internationally. She closed those doors too.

She will never know how many doors she closed that day. She will not see the consequences of what she did NOT do except for the continuous absence of those events in her life.

This woman was not able to RECEIVE what she was asking for.


It is a challenge to develop the radar that allows you to recognize when you are not RECEIVING and when you are REPELLING opportunities. The best policy is to practice the six internal actions of receiving as a life discipline.

Here it is again: The act of RECEIVING is the a six-part internal action.

  1. It is the internal action of making space for what you desire inside you.
  2. It is the receptive act of allowing it to happen.
  3. It is the emotional act of giving yourself permission to have it.
  4. It is the subtle, yet powerful internal act of loving yourself enough to know you deserve it and to enjoy it.
  5. It is also the alchemical act of opening your heart to the world as an ally, recognizing and accepting the allies and opportunities that show up.
  6. Finally, it entails the internal acts of humility and detachment that allow you to hear the Universe’s instructions about the changes you need to undergo in order to be ready for your dream.

The best life policy to get what you want is to let go of your delusion of control and to cultivate unconditional trust in the Universe as your ally. Let go and let God…. and practice RECEIVING.

Light and love,

Maria Mar

The Dream Alchemist

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Maria Mar(c)

You can use this quote in ezines, web pages and other online media as long as you include my name and copyright mark and the paragraph below, with functional link:

Maria Mar is the Dream Alchemist, an inspirational speaker, ceremonialist poet, coach, author and spiritual teacher who helps women create the life of their dreams. Visit her at: Catch the Dream Express!


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Women and the Law of Attraction (Dream Kit) at:


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Book Review: Love your Body, Love your Life


by Maria Mar

the Dream Alchemist

Love your Body, Love your Life, by Sarah Maria


BOOK: Love your Body, Love your Life:

5 Steps to End Negative Body Obsession and Start Living Happily and Confidentially

AUTHOR: Sarah Maria



Why is the Dream Alchemist reviewing this book? Why should I read it?

There is a lot of talk about “having a Dream” and manifesting it. The Law of Attraction has become almost an obsession in our popular psyche. But as a manifestation expert and shaman, I can assure you that “having a dream” is the easiest way to miss it. There is only one way to manifest your dream, and that is to BE your Dream. To embody it.

How can you embody your dream, however, if you are out of your body?

When you reject your body because it is not the perfect “ideal” body that you’ve come to believe you must have, then you are evicted from the first territory of your physical existence. Your body anchors you in the physical world. Negative Body Image throws away that anchor and evicts you from your body into the shadowlands of self-loathing.

Your body is intimately connected to your Soul, the holder of your Dream. Without your BodySoul, you have no compass to manifest your dream. You may try hard, do a lot, recite affirmations and try to change your thoughts. But nothing will work. Your actions are empty shells without power. Why?

Because the power that animates your intent is not there. Your Intent is the bow that sends the arrow of your Dream into the world. Your Intent comes from your BodySoul.

Reclaiming your love for your self is the first step to reclaim the power of your intent. Reclaiming your love for your body is the basic step to love yourself.

What is so hot about this book? Will I like it?

Sarah Maria’s “Love Love your Body, Love your Life: 5 Steps to End Negative Body Obsession and Start Living Happily and Confidentially” is a soul-awakening journey to reclaim the love for your body and for yourself.

What I like about Sarah Maria’s book is that it addresses and integrates all the essential aspects in reclaiming your body: mind, emotions, body and spirit. The book inspires and motivates you. This enables you to activate the deep reserve of wisdom and courage in your spirit. It ignites the intuitive and instinctual power of your body. Then Sarah Maria guides your mind through simple, down to earth explanations and exercises. She addresses the transformational power of your emotions through stories and attitude shifting exercises.

We are all shapeshifters. We have the power to shift our reality. But in this society, we are using this power against ourselves: trying to shapeshift into something or someone else in order to deserve happiness or to fulfill our dreams.

Sarah Maria’s book allows you to use your shapeshifting power to liberate yourself, to BE you. This allows you to live from that real, unique and joyful place called YOU. Once you are there, you don’t need to have the dream because you ARE the dream!

Here’s another reason to get this book now:

I love this book so much that I contributed a gift ebook to Sarah Maria’s special “Rapid Success Gift Package” — a package of bonuses from experts who will help you to manifest the life you want. Sarah Maria added about 165 expert products that you can obtain free when you purchase THIS WEEK. (Week starting November 2, 2009)


**** 4 stars= Excellent read and excellent transformational tool

Read more about the book or purchase it at:



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Maria Mar(c)

You can use this quote in ezines, web pages and other online media as long as you include my name and copyright mark and the paragraph below, with functional link:

Maria Mar is the Dream Alchemist, an inspirational speaker, ceremonialist poet, coach, author and spiritual teacher who helps women create the life of their dreams. Visit her at: Catch the Dream Express!

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